
Archive for 2011|Yearly archive page

Les femmes de ma famille

In Uncategorized on September 18, 2011 at 11:42 pm


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Memories of home

In Uncategorized on September 18, 2011 at 11:12 pm

As I’m about to change home yet again I’ve taken some snapshots of the bits and pieces I’d like to take with me. More than that, the atmosphere I wish to find in a home. In my home.

For the good old days.

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a handful of (great) videos

In around the world on June 6, 2011 at 8:38 am

Firstly, the spot for the 50th anniversary of Amnesty International. There’s also been a great documentary about Amnesty and its continuous fight for human rights last week on BBC 4, definitely worth watching:

And a link to the documentary that tries to  ‘shed light on how, as a ‘letter-writing organisation, Amnesty International has changed the world and how the world has changed Amnesty International. It poses the fundamental question: has the human rights movement been able to hold back mankind’s capacity for atrocity?

After that, time for a bit of music:

Some crazy stop-motion going on there!

The next video looks a bit like an American Apparel ad, but I think the song’s great, reminds me of Battles (a bit):

And a video about the science behind music (despite the fact that the description of the video sounds a bit more than pretentious, it’s worth watching):

Weclome to the working week!

What I want for this summer

In around the world, travelling on May 30, 2011 at 11:03 am

Who’s afraid of Ai Weiwei?

In architecture on April 29, 2011 at 12:13 pm

The disappearance of Ai Weiwei has saddened and angered the international community. As you probably already know, the Chinese artist has been arrested by the government security police on April 3rd, and no official statement has been released since. There have been appeals, petitions, public letters, sit ins, protests, and no response.

Steven Holl and Lebbeus Woods have released statements in which they condemn the actions of the Chinese government, and yet, in the world of architecture at least, nothing’s changed. Foster + Partners would never back out of the West Kowloon development and this only proves further the paradoxical sadness of the architectural trade in the 21st century. And even if Roger Stirk Harbour + Partners had won instead, I doubt that the once leftist ideas of Richard Rogers would’ve had any impact on the practice’s approach to the politics of working under Chinese politics.

As this indeed cannot pass, read below about yet another way of protesting.

‘Hong Kong supporters of artist Ai Weiwei have come up with an ingenious – and legal – way to get their message across; by projecting giant images of the detained mainland activist onto landmark buildings, including police and government buildings.

The images – depicting the sketch of Ai first stencilled on walls in Central, Tsim Sha Tsui and elsewhere two weeks ago by a student identified only as Chin – are popping up as a police serious crime squad tries to track down the artist on criminal damage charges.

An album with 28 black and white pictures was circulating on Facebook yesterday showing images with the words “Who’s afraid of Ai Weiwei?” projected onto buildings in Wan Chai, Admiralty, and Central.’

read more, here.